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Saturday, 8 December 2012

The Heart of a Child

Matthew 18:4 "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like one of these children is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."

When we are children there's a part of us that is open to love, and faith and trust.
Through a little child's laughter and teary eyes we grow older and that part of us dies.
Innocence lost, is so hard to regain.
We get forgiven but hold on to the pain.
But Jesus said to the crowd roaring wild; "Come to me with the heart of a child."

It's so hard to open ourselves up to others, we're afraid to trust our own sisters and brothers.
But there is a love so costly and dear, a love strong enough to cast out fear.
Let's take off our masks and drop the facade and live like the children of the Living God.
Take a chance, you may be betrayed if you risk it all but He'll be there to catch you when you slip and fall.

There's a holy laughter, and tears so pure, there's an innocence that will always endure.
There's a dream and vision, an endless sea, the tingling of life in a heart set free.
Nothing to prove, no possessions to hold but a joy and peace more precious than gold.
It's a beautiful place, fiery and wild when we return to the heart of the child.

Remember that our Father to whom we pray considers us His children each day and like little children we must learn to rely on the love of our Father who reigns on high.
So much prejudice to forget and unlearn, it's the heart of the child for which we yearn.
We can't enter heaven with a heart defiled, it must change through Jesus to the heart of the child.

1 comment:

  1. This post really blessed me today brother. Beautiful! Praying we would all have the heart of a child God wishes for us----more and more..


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