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Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Teacher's Prayer

I want to teach my students how To live this life on Earth. To face it's struggles and it's strife And to improve their worth. Not just the lesson in a book Or how the rivers flow, But how to choose the proper path Wherever they may go. To understand eternal truth And know the right from wrong, And gather all the beauty of A flower and a song. For if I help...

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

One More Day to Live

If I had only one more day to live, All love, praise, and glory to you I’d give. I’d try my best to put a smile on someone’s face To share with them your saving grace. I’d remember things about my life The times you were there through fun and strife, And thank you then for all you’ve done. Without you no victories would have been won. If I have one more...

Thursday, 24 April 2014

How Faithful is the Lord

I don’t understand the Lord— No person really can. The nature of his being Is beyond the scope of man. He came from a void of nothing To create all space and time; He made the skies and heaven And he made the sun to shine;. And he made a puny race To live on this good earth And enjoy all that he made And praise his Mighty Worth. Yet our Lord is ever merciful And...

Friday, 11 April 2014

Two Visitors

By Beth Fisher Used with Permission Two visitors came to see me, both at the same time,Both were trying to win control of my body, heart, and mindOne was dressed quite plainly, one dressed fit to kill,I couldn’t see the battle they were waging for my will. One promised to give fame, friends and riches beyond compare,Anything I wanted, it seemed, and while I was standing...

Thursday, 10 April 2014

One Man

by Ryan Corbi Used with Permission One man, kneeling alone in the night Blood and sweat mix outflowing in fright Kneeling, praying prone on the grass “From my lips, Father, let this cup pass.” One man, standing scorned, flogged, and beat Harsh words still echo there in the heat “He is no king,” he heard them cry “Give us Barabbas! and him — CRUCIFY!!” One...

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

A Tale of Three Roman Soldiers

In the cool predawn darkness, three battle-hardened Roman soldiers in full armor are guarding Joseph’s tomb where Jesus was buried three days earlier. Despite strict army regulations, they are talking softly, almost at a whisper, between themselves. “All men die the same,” one mutters. This apathetic tone ignites a spark of anger from another. “Not like he did!” was...

His Love

Have you ever stopped to wonder Why they called Good Friday “good”? It seems to me that sad, black day Could be misunderstood. How His Father must have anguished As He watched His dear Son die, And not for crimes that He had done, But for sinners such as I. What kind of love could be so great, To suffer willingly The penalty for someone else; His blood...
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